OpenHellion Project

A photo showing the main menu. There are buttons on the left: Single Player, Multiplayer, Settings, Latest News, Quit.  In the bottom left corner there are two buttons: Join Discord, Gamepedia. In the top left there is a large logo with the text: HELLION.

OpenHellion is a multiplayer game set in space. You’re a part of a mission-gone-wrong to colonise the nearest star. The goal is to survive in space, and to do such you need to follow some quests. The game is an open-world sandbox game, and have features that allow you to build and manage your own space stations and ships.

The project is based based upon the no-longer-available Hellion game, made by the late Serbian company Zero Gravity.

The game can be downloaded at the client’s GitHub repository under Releases.

Visit the Hellion Documentation for a more technical introduction to the game.